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On the Issues

The decisions we make over the next few years will determine whether Polk maintains its unique charm or becomes just another bedroom community in central Florida. I will fight for quality of life, improved infrastructure and the future of beautiful Polk County for current residents and future generations. As your next County Commissioner, these are my priorities:


I share the concerns expressed by many in Polk County about unbridled development. While halting growth altogether isn’t feasible, we must elevate development standards to prioritize the well-being and individual property rights of citizens and local businesses over the interests of national developers.



As Polk County continues to grow, it’s crucial to accelerate the development of an infrastructure plan that alleviates immediate needs while simultaneously planning for the future. Those driving sprawling residential growth should proportionally contribute to further infrastructure development.


Economic Growth

Polk County holds the potential to emerge as a key economic powerhouse in Florida, paving the way for exciting opportunities for all Polk residents. By attracting a diverse range of businesses to our county, we can promote business diversity and champion the growth and expansion of small businesses.


Support First Responders

Polk’s first responders serve our community with passion and dedication. Creation of comprehensive solutions that attract and retain dedicated team members will help ensure we retain our finest, not losing qualified and experienced team members to neighboring counties.


Natural Resources

Preserving and maintaining Polk County’s natural resources is imperative to the quality of life for present and future generations. Clean water, green areas, and wildlife habitats are essential for all inhabitants of our county, and it is vital that we protect these valuable resources.

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